green commitment
Our commitment to showing the world a better way to produce and use energy is borne out in the significant demonstrable benefits that our WhisperGen™ microCHP system can bring
to the environment.
• Quiet operation via efficient use of various fuels.
• >90% of energy converted to usable heat and electricity.
• Easy on the environment with low greenhouse gas emissions.
• Clean, reliable energy meaning lowered cost for users.

Each AC WhisperGen™ microCHP system can provide up to 1 kW of electricity and up to 12kW of heat, reducing greenhouse gas emissions of CO2 for a typical European house by over 1,000 kg per year when compared to conventional electricity generation and heating options in that part of the world.
And, as the name suggests, it does it all very quietly.
In the UK a single WhisperGen™ microCHP system provides an average household with a saving of about £150 per year.* It also reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 1.5 tonnes per year; a real contribution towards tackling the effects of global warming. That’s 20% less carbon dioxide per household.
* taken from the EA Technology report for the Energy Saving Trust based on a three to four bedroom house (UK) for Powergen domestic customer.